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PhD Day

A significant scientific and social event for PhD students, BSc and MSc students and other staff members at BIO and SNM.

All PhD students as well as their supervisors, BSc and MSc students and other staff members at BIO and SNM are encouraged to attend this significant social and academic event. The PhD day is an opportunity for PhD students to present their work to their peers at an exclusive event, develop presentation skills and practice promotion of scientific results. There will be ample opportunities for discussions and feedback, and the event is an opportunity for all participants to get an impression of the body of research being conducted in the department and to network with possible future collaborators. The PhD day program also includes high-profile keynote speakers and a feature about opportunities during your scientific career.


Outline of the Day

The day will change between science and networking  ending with a dinner and party. 

During the day there will be an interchange between keynote speakers, PhD-student talks and -flash talks, poster sessions, a panel debate about the future of PhDs and breaks with time for networking. Awards for the best talk, flash talk and poster will end the scientific part of the day. The day ends with a dinner  in the canteen followed by a party at mBar.     

A detailed program of the day as well as keynote speakers and PhD student talks will be regularly updated.



Aims of the PhD Day 

The aims of the PhD Day was set upon the founding  in 2012:



A central aim is the dissemination of own research to a broad audience with biological background. As part of this, each participant, whether giving a talk or presenting a poster, is encourage to join in constructive discussions and dialogue.



The event seeks to stimulate networking and novel interdisciplinary collaborations. It is therefore most conducive that this day includes a broad range of staff members, including BSc and MSc students, PhD students, junior researchers, VIPs and TAPs.



As a significant social and scientific event, the PhD Day aims to both bridge the gap between research groups and sections as well as strengthen the spirit of community among the PhD students.



By offering a feature on communication of science and  by the above mentioned aims the PhD Day seeks to support the PhD students’ work and career.


Outline of the Day
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